
Arthritis Research UK

Repositioning the UK's largest arthritis charity, so they make everyday freedom from the limits of arthritis possible for millions of people.

Spencer du Bois have helped us put people with arthritis at the heart of everything we do

Richard Jane, Head of Brand

What was keeping them 
awake at night?

Arthritis doesn’t kill you. But for 10 million people in the UK, it attacks the very essence of what it means to live.

Arthritis Research UK felt this had to change. So they’ve shifted from research to providing support too, harnessing the power of their exceptional science to deliver freedom from arthritis for everyone, forever.

How we helped

Speaking to people with arthritis, it became clear that the charity’s positioning should be personal and immediate. The new brand revolves around one idea: Everyday freedom from the limits of arthritis.

The identity is positive and powerful, built to embody a charity who’s head is in science but who’s heart wants to make life better for every person affected by arthritis. Arthritis Research UK can at last become the charity both they and people with arthritis deserve.