

A new focus and modernised brand helped Ramblers establish their relevance with a younger, more urban audience and revitalise their relationship with traditional members.

What was keeping them
awake at night?

With ageing membership and having won significant campaigning victories, the Ramblers were concerned about their relevance and their place in the world.

How we helped

Working across the charity we helped define a new unifying focus for Ramblers to be "at the heart of walking". Reaching out to young and old, country or city, those with health issues and those already fit, with a goal to "improve everybody's lives through the joy of walking". Research showed that a simple update of the visual brand would only reinforce negative perceptions but that the new identity prompted radical reappraisals, and really encouraged people to get involved.


Third Sector Award for Best Brand Development: Winner, 2010. New commercial and healthy living partnerships.